Tuesday, 30 October 2012

new assignment ^_^

Q-B-page 114:

2- How do you think self-service technology could be improved so that people don’t get frustrated?

         First of all,self-service technology was produce to change our daily works from difficult to become more easier.Nowadays every  single things have to be done in very fastest and efficient way to save time and energy.But,in this situation,there are some problems exist from the self-service technology.In compared to this,I think it is good if we improving the self-service technology to become better, so that people will no longer get frustrated.Firstly,the government should play their role to make sure everythings that published by any company in this country is the best and there is no side effect or trouble to the community.In addition to that,i think it is unnessecery to let the machine  to serve the customer.Just imagine,we really need to rush but at that time the computer at the supermarket did not work correctly.Does it look likes the self-service technology burdening us?Besides that,I think we can make a different if we use the touch-screen ordering in other to make the whole things easier.It is because when the self-service technology was provided by the sound it makes somebody annoyed and ashamed.The louder sound attract everybody around us.So,why not  we change it from the sound machine to the touch-screen self-service technology?Last not but least,this  problems can be avoid and  solved when everybody take a part and play their role especially the company that contribute this self-service technology to the consumers.

Thursday, 18 October 2012


Is it possible to be 100% honest in relationship?


Honesty is defined as the quality or fact of being honest, uprightness and fairness.This term is so important in everyday life because it's the simple basis of how we carry out routine activities. Everybody in this world interacts with others and when honesty is neglected problems tend to arise. Essentially honesty is the major factor that supports every known source of information.

As for me,honest mean telling the true without lie even a little bit to another persons.

Principally, I believe honesty is important because it provides accurate information, reflects good character, and builds lasting, trusting relationships.

In addition to that,

honesty is essential because it acts as the glue holding people together.Honesty helps a person to conquer problems and excel in his life. However, is this always right to tell truth? 

In my opinion,

first and formost,we have to take a look on what the situation it is,because in certain condition,i think it is no need to be 100% honest.I mean in relationship between buddies.
For example,when your bestie wearing something that looks like clown or even so horrible,you should not saying the true.Because i'm absolutely feel she/he will be upset and offended.This kind of situation may occured your friendship.


with your parents you should be the one that full of honest and there's no lie words you give to them.It is because,once you lying to your beloved mother,
 next time,she will not trust you as much as before and doubt what you says later. Thus, it may lead to unavoidable misunderstanding and argument. Eventually, the closed relationship might be threatened. Honest produces trust which is needed for a relationship to be sustained.

A part from that,

it is comprehensive that a person do not being honest all the time. Sometimes,you needs to justify what is the best resolution because,not telling the truth, in certain cases, is the best way to protect your loved ones from being hurt. 

In conclusion,

honesty helps a person to strengthen her/his relationship, conquer problems and excel in life. However, a person can choose not telling the truth in order to protect her/his loved ones offended.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Lurve or Bye-Bye Letter??

last saturday,i've got a letter from someone,who works at KK1 cafeteria..
and now he's gone....in the letter he seek my forgiveness hence he always bothering me..and he also say good bye because he will go far away...(psst..he also give me his number)

herm,he is a very naughty boy and i think he also the cute one with his fair skin...before this,he always disturbing me with his annoying behaviour..oh..and thats including his friends...everybody that works there know me..(even my right feet just enter the cafeteria door...everybody of them already keep staring and smiling toward me..erhh..i hate that situation....)

i still remeber..once upon a time....i've ate the food and my face looks like...uncomfortable maybe? (because i can't eat spicy food)..some of them will try the food...and then,he came to me and ask 'is it not delicious??'
i dont know what to say...everybody look at me...!

and everytime i go at the cafe..they always callings me and smiling all over me...its make me feel so ashamed and awkward.

sometimes.they also give a discount or free to me when i buying something like icecream...hehehehe..

now,he (the one gave me letter) no longer here...

its true,when somebody close to us gone,we will feel...like....ah...whatever.. -,-'

so far,i did't call him yet..but,i dont even know what for....
do i have?

erm..no need to lah,kan??

good luck and i pray for your happiness acai~

Thursday, 11 October 2012

i'm really in sadness :'(


last night at 11:35 p.m... i got one message from one of my ex-teacher...
her message sounds like...i dont really sure..but i think she angry and sulking with me...

at that time i really2 dont know what to do...all i know is, my heart beating fast!
i have never been this way before....i called my friend who already know my story...and ask her to come here because i really shocked and i need someone to be on my side...

i dont even want to cry infront my friend..i m try harder to look strong....


long time ago....at my old school, i was close to all my teachers...wherther male or female..
i always make them laughing and smiling with my joke..

in my class, i do like to ask and answer the question have been given to us..even though my answer is not really right.And i also still make smiley face infront my teachers even i m not in good mood....why?because i love them so much! i m not wiliing to play in my class during lesson.

for your information,there are many of them being my regular customer....(i used to sell nasi lemak,nasi kerabu,nasi ayam and many more!) .every morning they will see my face first in the room teacher..with big paper beg.. 

*i miss that moments!

i'm still remember.. i've made a colourfull ladybirds using  white stone...its really cute... i give it to my teachers...i told them..'you can put this on your students exam paper..so that the paper will not 'fly'...all of them so excited and thank to me....i feel happy seeing their smile...

but in a few days later,one of my teacher complaining to me because her ladybirds have been stolen!!maybe there a naughty student who attractted with the ladybird and took that in wrong way.

i got angry with those student that stole the ladybird!!!

i promised to the teacher i will make a new one for her..and she smile again.. ;)

about the first paragraph above,
actually my teacher sulking with me because she misunderstanding me..
she absolutely thinks that i only remember the other teacherS,not her...

but, the true is..


*why im suddenly cry :'(  

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

juSt Do iT

dO iT LikE tHiS
bELieVE iN yoUrsELf 
DoN't aFRaiD to giVe A tRY
fLY..fLy nEAr thE skY
itS eaSY!!
(I usE AerOPLanE!!)

Monday, 8 October 2012



     Yes,that's true.Nowadays it showed that a song's popularity influences our choices.In other word,we like to listen to the music that our friends enjoy.For your information,today facebook introduces 'LISTEN WITH FRIENDS FOR REAL-TIME MUSIC SHARING'.From the chat sidebar, users can see which friends are currently listening to music. Clicking “Listen With” will open the music player and begin the song at the same point the person’s friend is now at. It also launches a new chat window so friends can comment about the songs they share. Listening to music with friends in this way will publish a News Feed story about the activity, ACC. Facebook has never shared chat activity with a users’ friends before, but this is similar to how Google+ shares stories when users video chat with each other.This is the most factors that influence song's popularity among teenagers.In addition to that,there are many of us always sharing our opinion and interest about music with peers.When our friends talk about the new songs,we will pay attention and of course we will find out about that song as soon as possible.It is because we would not to be out of date among them.

rEmEmBeR !

iF yOu'Re TiReD Of sTArTiNg OvER,thEN stOP gIviNG Up


today,we have been asked about our favourite colour...
when teacher sha mention the word of COLOUR..automatically i imagine the RED..
and of course PINK also.. ^_^
ohhhh i like both colour damnmuch!

so,i will write it down about my favourite colour...enjoy this!

I really like RED because of various reasons.
First and formost,red is a possitive colour assosiated with our most physical needs and our will to keep survice.Besides that,red make me feel brave and HOT! Yes,that's true,because everytime i wearing baju kurung in red colour everyone pay attention to me as i walk and talk.Its seem to be the sweetest moments to me.No one ignored me because the red is a BRIGHT colour.

Furthermore,red is the warmest of all colors.it may give me a feeling of warmth and comfort or feelings of bravery.This picture below is my living room's dream.I am indeed feel that when i use red in my house as a theme colour of interior design, its will excites the emotion.It is because red is the color of prosperity and joy.

    In addition to that,red colour can increased enthusiasm and interest in myself.
I will be more energetic and aggresive in take any action of responsibility. 

Moreover,red colour also make me feel confidence to go after my dreams to become true.


The other reasons that make me love red colour is because its represent LOVE <3.




For your infomation,when i open my closet,90% my clothes was in pink colour! yes, its really surprising my roomates!hahahha..! I do like pink very-very much because pink is the color of universal love.

Actually,pink is a combination of red and white.Its is a cheerfull colour and if i see the pink colur its make me feel happy go lucky.Besides that, pink is suitable for girl like me.isn't?
PINK also provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth and love, acceptance.

So..thats all about my favourite colours...bye!

*psstt : actually,when i'm wearing red n pink clothes,i'm feel so sweet and cute! LOL!

Thursday, 4 October 2012

SeLf moTiVaTeD

wHeN yOu KNoW bEtTeR, yOu DO bEtTeR!
tRuS yOUrSElf !
PrOvE iT!
u CAn DO iT!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


                                     KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN'S RESTAURANT

                     The first KFC restaurant was opened on Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman.Today there are more than 500 KFC restaurants nationwide and still counting.In fact,KFC Malaysia has developed a distinctive malaysian personality of its own.First of all,on 1952,their current logo only use white and black colours,but now KFC unveiled the logo which colonel change his white suite for a red cook's apron.For your information,KFC use red colour as their own trackmark.It is  because red colour is a warm and positive colour assosiated with our physical needs and our will to survive.Besides that,it is bright and cheerfull colour,so that the people will notice and always remember the restaurant.Moreover,red can stimulate the appetite,red colour often being used in restaurant for this purpose.Last but not least,KFC use the many of red colur on the interior design,so that when we enter the restaurant, automaticcaly it excites the emotion and motivate us to take action like rushes to the counter and make a choice quickly.